Much of marketing involves testing which is a fancy word for trial and error. My dad was considered Madison Avenue's top copywriter back in the day. One of the original Mad Men. His client roster was a who's who of Fortune 500 companies. He would submit copy to a client but, the copy would always be tested on a very small slice of the client's database. If the test produced the desired percentage of response than it would be used for the entire database. If not, back to the drawing board. You can increase your chance of success by getting surveys...
“Create a ruckus!” Those were Seth Godin’s words in a podcast interview I listened to. It reminded me why his message is so compelling. And how creating your own “ruckus” of sorts could transform your dental marketing. What if you decided to approach your dental marketing that way. What would the “ruckus” look like...and are you brave enough to find out? Promoting your dental practice and services is among the most strategic things you do outside your “wheelhouse” of expertise or speciality. Your “ruckus?” Start by losing the agenda! Translation: Stop being so calculated and concerned about ROI (Return on Investment)....
How your staff approaches referrals can become second nature by asking patients their opinion, and if it's positive, then asking for that all-important new patient referral. Dental consultants universally agree that patient referrals are the best source of new patients for any dental office. Encouraging patients to refer their friends and family should be a part of your office routine. Even though “everyone knows” they should be asking patients for referrals, it is rarely done on a consistent basis. Accountability—Assign this program to a specific employee so there is accountability. Referral cards• Have at least 1,000 referral cards printed that offer...