1. Time is money It is the small things that add up to consuming vast amounts of time, and as we all know: Time is money. Too often, staff members look busy but are in fact simply handling unnecessary work they needlessly generate caused by inefficiencies, lack of training, and so on. Some examples that generate unnecessary work are listed below: Lab case is not in the office when the patient arrives.A message is taken but not given to the correct person.A patient leaves the office without an appointment. The patient's phone number is incorrect.There is incomplete information in charts.Incomplete...
At any given time one or more of your staff are likely doing something that you would not be too happy about if discovered. It's the nature of the beast. That's why it is so important to have written policy and a formal protocol for correcting or reprimanding employees. You want to document bad behavior or policy violations for all employees. Doing so will hopefully get the employee corrected as well as provide documentation to help fight unemployment claims if you decide to dismiss them. When staff do not follow policy there is a tendency to either ignore it or get...
1. Make sure your deposit slip matches the cash/checks for the day. This is where you are most vulnerable. 2. Signs of embezzlement in end of day adjustment report are a. Patient refunds b. No cash payments c. Non-approved adjustments/write-offs. 3. Put refund checks in the mail yourself. 4. Lock down your credit card terminal with a code so only the practice owner can issue refunds (thanks Alex). 5. Take note of any employee working unusual hours, living beyond their means or who rarely takes vacations. They may also be unusually territorial or evasive when discussing practice finances. 6. All staff...
IMPORTANT Some states allow you to thank a referring patient after the fact of the referral with a nominal gift ($10.00 - $25.00) however, the referring patient cannot have an expectation of the reward. A personally signed thank you card or note, ideally from the doctor, is smart and good manners. You can offer a credit to new patients. The amount can be $50.00 or $100.00 or more. You can also offer a free cleaning or exam or nothing at all. It’s totally up to you but, most find a dollar value works best. If you offer a dollar amount still submit your usual...